Sunday, January 3, 2016

Our time with Hudson at Stephen F. Austin

It was dark by the time David, Ashley and Emma left, so we decided to eat inside as its so dark at our campsite. We had fun eating and Hudson was so excited and cute, it was pretty obvious he was feeling quite proud to have Bud and Honey all to himself! 

Side note:
This little boy and his love for his "blankie". He wraps it around his body or drags it, and its just so stinking cute

After dinner, we got ready for bed and watched a Mickey Mouse movie and then begin to try to settle him to sleep. 
He was so excited and had a hard time staying on his sleeping bag. Lot of ups and downs out of our bed, but finally he went to sleep with us and then we moved him down to his pallet. Not the most restful night, he climbed in with us about 5:30 and slept for another 30 minutes before being he was ready to roll out and play!
We dressed and had breakfast outside, which he loved! 

He talked and talked about everything he saw or heard.  He loves being outside and loves nature so we were very thankful the rain had let up for our day with him! So much fun. He loved the swing ground too! 

We took lots of hikes, a lot, which of course loved! He is a typical little boy, he loves to pick up rocks, know...treasures all along the way.

He was so much fun, whether we played with bubbles, playdo or just hiking around, he is such a joy!!!
Larry let him “drive” his truck…oh my, he thought he was so big!
He is all boy...he loves to pull, push and turn every knob on a vehicle.

Late in the afternoon, we headed to Katy and spent the next few hours playing with the kids, visiting with Ashley, doing laundry and taking baths. David came in and Ashley had fixed us a great Pasta dish and we enjoyed eating in their dining room! Nice treat for us. We don’t sit down and eat at their house much, we are always on the go or eating out. So very fun, Ashley was so excited to have us "over" for supper, something we've never gotten to do in that way! Then we headed out, hard to leave as I was not through spending time with my girl but it was dark and we needed to get back to camp. We spent some time cleaning up the trailer, packing stuff away that we had brought just for kids play, etc. Then to bed, but once again, our hearts are so full of good times spent with these two and a treat to get to see David and Ashley too! A fun second stop on our Texas Tour!

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